Cebu distinguishable historic landmark
Day 2 Photo Safari- JUST BECAUSE IT’S A STOPOVER to Cebu doesn’t mean the old exotic city has nothing to offer. This megalopolis, is the home to Cebuano – it has a population of 866,171 (according to the 2010 census) – making it the fifth most populated city in the Philippines with a distinguishable historical landmark.
The next morning, we got up early for street photo safari.
6:05 AM at Malacañang of the South

Malacañang of the South
Malacañang sa Sugbo is the official residence of the President of the Philippines in the Visayas. It is located near the Cebu City Port Area and Fort San Pedro. The site previously known as the Aduana (Customs) building, it was originally built in 1910 to house the Bureau of Customs office in the Port of Cebu City. It was designed by William E. Parsons who was assigned as the architect of the Philippine Government from (1905-1914). Parsons was chosen by Daniel H. Burnham to execute the plans for the city of Manila and Baguio. Parsons made his own plan for development of the city of Cebu and the Customs Office is the first building constructed according to his plan.
6:13 AM at Fort San Pedro

Fort San Pedro at A. Pigafetta Street, Cebu City
Fuerte de San Pedro is a military defence structure, built by Spanish and indigenous Cebuano labourers under the command of Spanish conquistador, Miguel López de Legazpi and the Spanish Government in Cebu. It is located in the area now called Plaza Indepedencia, in the pier area of the city. Fuerte San Pedro, the fort is described as built of stone mortar with a terreplein where guns are mounted. The fort contains the necessary buildings. The largest of these buildings was the Cuerpo de Guardia where the personnel that manned the fort lived. Adjacent to it was the vivienda del teniente which was the living quarters of the lieutenant of the fort. In between the aforementioned buildings is a well.

Plaza Independencia at Pigafetta Street in the Fort San Pedro

RECOLETOS HERITAGE MONUMENT at FORT SAN PEDRO in the Plaza Independencia, Cebu City

Legaspi Exit
7:01 AM at the Magellan’s Cross

Magellan’s Cross at the Plaza Sugbo
The famous Magellan’s Cross is a distinguished historic landmark, when Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, working for the crown of Spain, arrived in Cebu in 1521, he was warmly received by the chieftain of Cebu, Rajah Humabon, his wife Queen Juana, and their subjects. Magellan then persuaded Humabon to form an alliance with Spain. Afterwards, Humabon, his wife and their subjects were baptized into the Roman Catholic faith.
Magellan planted a wooden cross on April 14, 1521 at the shores of Cebu to commemorate the baptism of Humabon, his wife and their subjects, and to signify the establishment of Christianity in the Philippines. Since 1834, the cross that Magellan planted has been housed inside a small chapel shape like a gazebo and made of adobe and red tiles.

Plaza Sugbo